
Chinese cabbage has a large amount of growth and a short growth period. It is necessary to ensure the supply of nutrients in each growth period in order to obtain high yield and quality.
1. Seedling stage seedling fertilizer is spread from cotyledon to true leaf dew to 8-10 leaves, about 15-20 days for seedling stage, and 10 kg of ammonium nitrate per 677 square meters after seedling.
2. After the rosette period, the main lineage of Chinese cabbage enters the rosette period, the root system occurs in large quantities, the growth amount increases sharply, the amount of fertilizer is large, the rosette period is generally 20 to 25 days, and the 667 square meters of ammonium nitrate is 15 kg, and a certain amount is applied. The phosphorus and potassium fertilizers promote the growth of the outer leaves and lay a good foundation for the heart.
3. During the period of the core period, the period of the core period accounted for 1/2 of the growth period, and the growth amount accounted for 2/3. At this time, the general 667 square meters applied 15 kg of ammonium nitrate; the mid-circle of the core was almost no longer growing, 667 square meters. 10 kg of ammonium nitrate; late in the package, due to short light, low temperature, slow plant growth, less nutrient absorption, less obvious effect of topdressing, can be less chasing or not topdressing.
Article source: "New Agriculture"
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