The floor color suits the decoration style to improve the quality

The choice of floor, not only to consider some of the actual situation of the room, decoration style is also one of the important factors that must be considered. Different styles of decoration, if the floor is not properly chosen, will not only not add the finishing touch, but may also ruin your original unified style. The following brief introduction of the three common styles of decoration to take the floor.


German Korno Rhine Sunshine

Pure natural materials reflect texture, emphasize natural simplicity, return to nature, reflect the natural vicissitudes of life and the ancient texture, is also a more popular practice in naturalism, such as the use of old wood made of native furniture, more close to the soil The breath of nature. In the choice of flooring, one can consider a single strong sense of solid wood, accompanied by large flowers, tree knots and other decorative effects of the floor, the color of wood-based. Such as maple, pine and other wood effects, reflecting a clear style of decoration.

Flooring Selection Home Furnishing Color Style Effect Picture Style Decoration Decoration European Style Decoration Simple Furniture Modern Simple Style Decoration Style European Style Decoration Simple European Style Decoration Decoration Simple Style Modern Simple Style Features Jian Ou Furniture Classic Furniture Simple Furniture

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