Sichuan accelerates the construction of ecological civilization and strictly prohibits new steel production capacity

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In order to speed up the construction of ecological civilization in our province, promote green development, circular development, and low-carbon development, and build a beautiful Sichuan, according to the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization" (Zhong Fa [2015] No. 12) and The implementation of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Accelerating the Construction of Ecological Civilization", the Key Tasks Division of Work (Dongzi [2015] No. 18), combined with the actual situation of our province, formulated this implementation plan.

First, the overall requirements

Fully implement the spirit of the Eighth Central Committee, the Third Middle School, the Fourth Middle School, and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thinking of the "Three Represents", and the scientific development concept, we will thoroughly implement the spirit of the important speech of General Secretary Xi Jinping. We will conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council to accelerate the construction of ecological civilization, and adhere to the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing to plan and promote the construction of ecological civilization, and pursue higher quality and more effective development, and ecological civilization. The construction integrates all aspects of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, and social construction, and promotes new industrialization, informationization, urbanization, agricultural modernization, and greening to protect the ecological responsibility that does not count on its benefits and faces the future. To take the "three major battles" of comprehensive prevention of atmospheric, water and soil pollution, and to achieve the goal of saving priority, protecting priority and natural recovery, from "environment for growth" to "environment for growth", with green recycling and low carbon development The basic approach is to improve the quality and efficiency of development, and to deepen reform and innovation drive The basic driving force has achieved a major breakthrough in transformation and development and institutional mechanism innovation. It highlights the essence of Bashan's ecological civilization and adheres to the ecological priority and green development. Through five years of efforts, the scientific and rational distribution of the main functional areas is basically formed. New achievements have been made in the construction of barriers and beautiful Sichuan, and the quality and efficiency of economic development have been significantly improved. The mainstream values ​​of ecological civilization have been fully implemented, basically forming a new pattern of harmonious development between man and nature, and laying a good foundation for decisive victory in building a well-off society and building a strong economy. Leave green mountains and blue mountains for future generations. By 2020, the following goals will be achieved:

——The land development pattern of the country is further optimized. The urban layout that matches the carrying capacity of resources and environment is optimized, and the urbanization development pattern of “one axis, three belts, four groups and one district” is basically formed, and a new pattern of safe, harmonious and competitive land space development is initially formed.

-- Resource utilization is more efficient. The energy consumption per unit of GDP and the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions continue to decline, meeting national requirements, and the resource output rate has increased substantially. The total amount of water used has been controlled within 32.164 billion cubic meters. The water consumption per 10,000 yuan of industrial added value has decreased by 23% compared with 2015. The effective utilization coefficient of farmland irrigation water increased to 0.5, and non-fossil energy accounted for 34% of primary energy consumption.

-- Overall improvement in the quality of the ecological environment. The total discharge of major pollutants continued to decrease, the quality of the atmospheric environment and the water environment quality of key river basins improved significantly. The water quality compliance rate of important rivers and lakes water function areas increased to over 80%, the ecological functional integrity was maintained, and the drinking water safety assurance level continued to improve. The overall quality of the soil environment remained stable and environmental risks were effectively controlled. The forest land holding capacity in the province has remained above 354 million mu, the forest coverage rate has reached 37%, the forest accumulation has reached 1.79 billion cubic meters, the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland has remained above 85%, and the wetland reserves have reached more than 25 million mu. The area of ​​desertified land for restoration of vegetation is not less than 13.2 million mu. The green area rate of the built-up areas of cities and counties in the province reached 35%, among which the green area rate of the urban built-up areas of the districts reached 38%, and the urban per capita park green area was 14 square meters. 95% of national and provincial key protected species and Sichuan endemic species are effectively protected through nature reserves, and ecosystem stability is enhanced.

-- The basic system of ecological civilization has been basically established. Significant achievements have been made in the construction of key systems such as source prevention, process control, damage compensation, and accountability for ecological civilization systems, natural resource asset property rights and use control, ecological protection red line, ecological protection compensation, and ecological environmental protection management system.

Second, accelerate the establishment of a unified spatial planning system

(1) Accelerate the construction of the main functional area

Implement the main function positioning. Full implementation of the "National Main Functional Area Plan" and "Sichuan Province Main Functional Area Plan" to control the development intensity, adjust the spatial structure, and promote the intensive and efficient use of land space. Promote the city and county to implement the main function positioning, and promote the “multi-regulation” of economic and social development, urban and rural construction, land use, and ecological environmental protection. Accelerate the pilot work of “multi-regulation and integration” in Mianzhu City and other places, and expand the scope of the pilot in a timely manner. Strictly implement the planning environmental impact assessment system, regional planning and major project layout must conform to the main function positioning.

Control the intensity of land development. In the urbanized areas that are mainly developed, we must vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction, develop a circular economy, improve the efficiency of energy resource utilization, and reduce damage and impact on the ecological environment; limit the development of major agricultural production areas, increase the production capacity of agricultural products, and strengthen the source of the products. Pollution control, prevention of pollution transfer and spread; restrictions on development, prohibition of development of key ecological functional areas, to establish protection is the concept of development, enhance the production capacity of ecological products and environmental ecological functions.

Optimize the urban and rural spatial structure. Comprehensively evaluate the resource and environmental carrying capacity of the province and the region, and plan the population distribution, industrial layout, land use and urbanization. Adjust and improve the overall land use planning, and actively carry out comprehensive land improvement. Optimize the structure and layout of urban and rural construction land, strictly protect urban and rural ecological environment, expand urban and rural green space, and build a scientific and rational urban development pattern, agricultural development pattern, and ecological security pattern.

(2) Scientifically delineating the resource environment and ecological red line

Strictly observe the upper limit of resource consumption. Reasonably set the upper limit of resource consumption and strengthen the management and control of strategic resources such as energy, water and land. Implement a “double control” system for total energy consumption and energy consumption intensity, and use energy conservation assessment as an important measure to control the total energy consumption and increment of the region. Implement the “total water control”, water efficiency control, water function zone to limit the “three red lines” management, and control the total water intake in the basin and region. To determine regional economic and social development goals, plan urban construction and major projects, water resources should be demonstrated to ensure that they are compatible with local water resources. Implement a water permit system. Demarcate permanent basic farmland, strictly implement permanent protection and use control, strengthen overall land use planning and annual plan management, and implement total control over the scale of cultivated land occupied by new construction land, and implement the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation.

Strictly adhere to the bottom line of environmental quality. Increase the pollution control of the atmosphere, water, soil, etc., and make the environmental quality "only better, can not be bad" as the red line of environmental responsibility of local governments at all levels, and reasonably determine the total pollutant discharge limit and environmental risk prevention and control measures. Implement special emission limits for atmospheric pollutants in the key national control areas of Chengdu-Chongqing City Group (Sichuan), implement desulfurization and denitrification simultaneously, comprehensive emission reduction of various pollutants, and strengthen Chengdu Plain urban agglomeration, southern Sichuan urban agglomeration, northeastern Sichuan urban agglomeration, and Panxi Urban pollution and other air pollution joint prevention and control joint management. We will comprehensively promote the ecological protection and environmental improvement of water sources such as conservation areas and source areas, and ban all sewage outlets in drinking water sources. Strictly implement safety zoning of agricultural products and plans for prevention and control of heavy metal pollution, strengthen prevention of non-point source pollution and rural environmental remediation, and strengthen soil environmental quality monitoring and pollution risk assessment of agricultural products producing areas, nature reserves and construction land.

Strictly observe the red line of ecological protection. Delineate and strictly observe the red line of ecological protection in key ecological functional areas, ecologically sensitive areas and vulnerable areas, and implement the most stringent source protection system. Scientifically delineate ecological red lines such as forest land, forests, grasslands, wetlands, determine technical norms and control principles and measures for ecological red line zoning, formulate ecological red line management measures, issue catalogues of banned ecological land use restrictions, strengthen law enforcement supervision, and ensure that ecological functions are not reduced. The area is not reduced and the nature is not changed.

(3) Building a new green urban system

Strengthen green town planning. Seriously implement the "Sichuan New Urbanization Plan (2014-2020)", strictly control the urban development boundary according to the resource and environmental carrying capacity, scientifically determine the ultimate size of the town, build a reasonable regional urban system, and promote the coordination of large, medium and small cities and small towns. development of. Accelerate the development of four major urban agglomerations in Chengdu Plain, South Sichuan, Northeast Sichuan and Panxi, and build a high-level Tianfu New District to rationally guide the development of urban and rural ecological economic zones in northwestern Sichuan. Strengthen the management of the “three districts and four lines” (the forbidden construction zone, the restricted construction zone and the suitable construction zone, the green line, the blue line, the purple line and the yellow line) for urban and rural planning, and put an end to the large-scale demolition and construction. Promote the diversity of urban forms and continue the historical context of the town.

Improve the quality of urban development. Scientifically determine the intensity of urban development, improve urban land use efficiency, population density of built-up areas, and strictly supply urban construction land. Reasonably determine the scale of construction of the new district, strengthen the industrial support of the new district, promote the simultaneous aggregation of industry and population, and expand the space for urban development in an orderly manner. Vigorously implement urban ecological garden construction projects, and actively promote the construction of landscape cultures with urban landscapes such as urban wetland parks, mountain parks and green corridor greenways, and continue to promote the construction of garden cities. Vigorously promote the national new-level urbanization comprehensive pilot and pilot reform of small and medium-sized cities, do a good job in the construction of 300 pilot small towns in the “100 Town Construction Action”, give play to the demonstration role of 21 provincial-level key towns, and work to promote agriculture in small towns. Take the role of important nodes in the city.

Practically strengthen urban management. Relying on natural ecological resources such as mountains, water systems, forests and wetlands, scientifically plan and rationally arrange urban green space systems, and delineate and strengthen urban green line control. Vigorously develop green buildings and low-carbon, convenient transportation systems, and accelerate the construction of pilot cities for low-carbon transportation systems in Chengdu. Actively build green eco-city, improve the level of infrastructure construction such as urban water supply and drainage, flood control, rainwater collection and utilization, gas supply, integrated pipe corridor, city appearance and sanitation, and accelerate the pilot construction of Suining National Sponge City. Deepen the comprehensive management of urban and rural environment.

(4) Accelerate the construction of beautiful villages

Scientifically prepare rural planning. Implement the scientific planning concept, adhere to the planning first, adjust and improve the overall planning of the county new village construction, and carry out overall planning and overall planning for the new village settlements, old villages and traditional villages. Study and formulate rural planning standards in Sichuan Province to improve the level of rural planning in the province. Accelerate the preparation of historical and cultural villages and traditional village protection plans, inherit the characteristics of farming culture and rural residential houses, and create a number of rural tourism towns and boutique villages.

Strengthen infrastructure construction. Strengthen the comprehensive management of landscaped forest roads, speed up the renovation of dilapidated houses in rural areas, protect the residential houses in traditional villages, strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the rural environment, and improve the rural living environment. Strengthen the prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution, promote the extension of environmental infrastructure to rural areas, strengthen the construction of centralized treatment facilities for comprehensive utilization of agricultural waste such as crop straw, livestock and poultry manure, and increase the intensity of rural sewage treatment and toilet reform. Strengthen the construction of rural domestic garbage collection and transportation system, and implement the model of “house classification, village collection, town transfer, and county treatment”. Implement rural rainwater harvesting projects and farmland runoff recycling projects.

Transforming the way agriculture is developed. We will promote the adjustment of agricultural structure, vigorously develop the agricultural circular economy, promote the deep integration of the rural first, second and third industries, continuously extend the agricultural industrial chain, and improve the quality and safety of agricultural products. Develop moderate scale operations and accelerate the construction of modern agricultural bases. Vigorously expand various functions of agriculture, develop new forms of leisure agriculture, sightseeing agriculture, etc., enhance agricultural ecological value, leisure value and cultural value, and broaden farmers' income-increasing channels. We will deepen the building of spiritual civilization in rural areas, solidly promote the construction of civilized villages and towns, and steadily implement the creation activities of “new homes, new life, and new fashions” in poverty-stricken areas and ethnic areas. Focus on agro-ecological environmental protection and governance, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture.

Third, focus on building a green industry system

(V) Adjustment and optimization of industrial structure

Promote industrial transformation and upgrading. Implement the "Made in China 2025 Sichuan Action Plan" to promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, product structure, and organizational structure, develop and expand strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, and accelerate the construction of industrial structures with high technological content, low resource consumption, and low environmental pollution. . Promote high-starting green development of five high-end growth industries, such as shale gas, energy-saving and environmental protection equipment, accelerate the improvement of traditional industries such as oil and gas chemicals, vanadium-titanium rare earths, beverages, and automobile manufacturing, and promote the adjustment and transformation of old industrial bases and resource depletion. Urban transformation and development, focusing on the industrial bases of automobile manufacturing, Mianyang electronic information, Deyang major equipment manufacturing, Panxi strategic resources development, etc., forming a group of advantageous industrial clusters with core competitiveness.

Actively resolve excess capacity. Strengthen the dynamic monitoring of industries with severe overcapacity and establish and improve early warning mechanisms. Strictly restrict access to the industry, localities and departments shall not approve or file any new capacity projects in industries with severe overcapacity such as steel, electrolytic aluminum, cement, flat glass, etc. in any name or in any way, and resolutely curb blind expansion of production capacity and low-level redundant construction. . Actively support and promote overcapacity industries to implement mergers and acquisitions or transfer upgrades, and guide enterprises to actively withdraw from overcapacity industries. Strictly implement national industrial policies, strengthen mandatory standards such as resource conservation, environmental protection, safe production, and product quality, accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity, and do a good job in resettlement of employees in backward production capacity.

Adjust and optimize energy structure and layout. Improve energy development and comprehensive utilization efficiency, reduce coal consumption, and increase the proportion of non-fossil energy in the energy consumption structure. Accelerate the construction of hydropower clean energy bases focusing on the Jinsha River, the Yalong River and the Dadu River, and appropriately develop new energy sources such as wind power and photovoltaics according to local conditions, and control coal power construction in an orderly manner. Promote the construction of important natural gas production bases in northeastern Sichuan, central Sichuan, and western Sichuan, and promote the comprehensive development and utilization of shale gas in southern Sichuan. Optimize urban and rural energy use methods, and promote the transformation of energy science and technology innovation applications and energy conversion and utilization methods.

(6) Accelerate the development of green industries

Develop energy-saving, environmentally friendly and low-carbon industries. Establish a catalogue of energy-saving and environmentally-friendly products, guide green consumption, promote the development of high-efficiency clean energy-saving boilers, energy-saving motors, air pollution prevention, water treatment, solid waste treatment, etc., and build Chengdu, Zigong energy-saving equipment development and manufacturing bases and Chengdu, A number of energy-saving and environmental protection industry demonstration bases such as Zhangzhou Green Building Materials Industrialization Demonstration Base, and vigorously develop energy-saving and environmental protection service industries. Strengthen the adaptive research and development and application of new materials and new equipment such as wind power, solar photovoltaic power generation and natural gas power generation. Building a smart grid, actively developing natural gas distributed energy, and promoting the integration of building photovoltaic power generation. Actively promote the application of new energy vehicles and clean energy vehicles in the urban plains of Chengdu, Sichuan, and Sichuan. Promote the application of new energy vehicles in the public sector and public places, and guide the encouragement of new energy vehicles into the personal consumption field.

Accelerate the development of modern service industries. Promote the five emerging and leading service industries of e-commerce, modern logistics, modern finance, technology services, and old-age health to accelerate development and form new growth points. Focus on R&D design, technology incubation, inspection and testing, business consulting, software outsourcing, etc., and prioritize the development of the production service industry. Vigorously develop the life service industry, use modern service concepts, modern business models and modern information technology to transform and enhance the transportation, trade and commerce, tourism and leisure services. Promote the transformation and development of special service industries such as cultural creativity, convention and exhibition industry, and catering industry, and foster new consumption hotspots.

Promote the development of green agriculture. Accelerate the construction of a modern agricultural industrial system, relying on rural natural environment, pastoral landscape, local culture and other resources to accelerate the development of leisure agriculture and rural tourism. Vigorously develop organic agriculture, ecological agriculture, and forest industries such as characteristic economic forests, forest economy, and forest tourism. Cultivate agricultural product brands and develop pollution-free agricultural products, green foods, organic agricultural products and geographical indication agricultural products.

(VII) Promoting scientific and technological innovation

Improve the ability of scientific and technological innovation. The system promotes a comprehensive innovation reform experiment. Focusing on the needs of seven strategic emerging industries such as next-generation information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, energy conservation and environmental protection, we will break through key common technologies in the fields of energy conservation and emission reduction, comprehensive utilization of resources, new energy development, pollution control, and ecological restoration, and promote the establishment of ecological conformity. The management system and operational mechanism of the characteristics of civilized construction scientific research activities. Accelerate the construction of a collaborative innovation system, accelerate the promotion of high-end industries across the province to independent research and development, the extension of both ends of the industrial chain, the high-end enhancement of the value chain, the transformation of traditional industries with high technology, and the overall competitiveness of the industry.

Accelerate the development of "Internet +". In-depth implementation of the "Internet +" action plan to accelerate the next generation of Internet, mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and other new-generation information technology and deep integration of economic and social fields. Make full use of Internet technology to promote smart manufacturing and green manufacturing, promote the accelerated development of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, promote the healthy development of e-commerce, industrial Internet and Internet finance, and enhance the innovation and productivity of the real economy. Strengthen the extensive application and integration of the Internet in the fields of construction, transportation, education, health, safety, population, etc., and improve the government's public governance capabilities and public service capabilities.

Implement science and technology innovation projects. Accelerate the implementation of enterprise innovation main body cultivation, industrial innovation traction upgrade, industry-university research and development collaborative innovation, regional innovation development demonstration "four major science and technology innovation projects" to comprehensively enhance scientific and technological innovation capabilities. Actively cultivate technology innovation alliances with enterprises as the main body, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutes, and build a number of national and provincial green manufacturing technologies, energy conservation and environmental protection engineering technology research centers, key (engineering) laboratories and experimental bases. Accelerate the construction of key areas such as the innovative and research industrial function zone of Tianfu New District, Mianyang Science and Technology City, Panxi Strategic Resources Innovation and Development Pilot Zone, and promote the pilot projects of national innovative cities such as Chengdu. Strengthen the training of scientific and technological personnel and promote the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements.

Fourth, promote the establishment of a resource-saving and intensive use system

(8) Synergistically promote energy conservation and emission reduction

Promote energy conservation in key areas. Organize the energy conservation and low-carbon actions of the national enterprises and the energy-saving and low-carbon actions of thousands of industrial enterprises in the province, implement energy efficiency improvement plans for key industries, and gradually improve energy conservation standards. Strictly implement the mandatory standards for building energy conservation, accelerate the energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, and establish and improve the energy-saving supervision system for office buildings and large-scale public buildings of state organs. Further enrich the application forms of renewable energy buildings, implement provincial demonstration of renewable energy building applications, scale application of urban renewable energy buildings, demonstration of rural renewable energy building applications by county, and promote the scale development of green buildings in the province. Give priority to the development of public transportation and improve the public transportation network system. Optimize transportation methods, promote energy-saving and new energy transportation equipment, and develop transportation. Improve the level of walking and cycling facilities. Encourage the use of energy efficient agricultural production equipment. Carry out demonstration activities for the creation of government agencies, schools, hospitals and other conservation-oriented public institutions.

Continue to strengthen the total emission reduction. Strengthen the structure, engineering, management and emission reduction, increase the elimination of high pollutant discharge industry, and comprehensively promote the construction of desulfurization, denitrification and dedusting facilities. Accelerate the implementation of the urban and county sewage treatment plant bid improvement project and the construction of sewage treatment facilities in township and rural residents' gathering areas. Research and development of incremental control measures for motor vehicles, comprehensive supply of motor gasoline and diesel in line with the national fifth-stage standard. Conduct regular inspections of environmental protection of motor vehicles in accordance with the law, speed up the elimination of yellow-label vehicles and old vehicles in accordance with relevant state regulations, and carry out ship pollution prevention and control. Strengthen the prevention and control of pollution in agricultural parks and increase the proportion of resources utilized for livestock and poultry farming. The key industries will comprehensively establish a central control system for the operation and management of pollution control facilities, establish and improve the total budget management, initial emission rights allocation, total pre-review and sewage permit management systems, expand the scope of IC card swipe and sewage discharge pilots, and continuously reduce major pollutant emissions. Total amount.

Implement key projects for energy conservation and emission reduction. Vigorously implement energy-saving technological transformation projects such as boiler kiln renovation, energy system optimization, waste heat and residual pressure utilization, and construction of energy-saving major technology demonstration projects. Vigorously promote high-efficiency energy-saving motors, boilers, automobiles, lighting and other products. Organize the implementation of energy-saving and environmental protection comprehensive upgrading projects for coal-fired boilers, promote alternative projects such as coal to gas and coal to electricity, and do a good job in the control of heavy polluting industries and industrial parks, and comprehensively rectify small coal-fired boilers. Accelerate the implementation of emission reduction projects such as desulfurization, denitrification and dedusting in key industries such as cement, glass, and thermal power, prevention and control of water pollution in key river basins, and prevention and control of heavy metal pollution. Strong control of non-point source pollution such as straw burning, construction site and road dust, and food fume.

(9) Vigorously develop circular economy and comprehensive utilization of resources

Build a circular industrial system. Promote the green development of coal, chemical, building materials and other industries, realize the recycling of resources, energy and cascades, and build a recycling-oriented industrial system. Continue to carry out in-depth development of eco-industrial parks, accelerate the construction of provincial-level eco-industrial parks such as Guang'an Economic and Technological Development Zone and Emeishan Industrial Concentration Zone, promote structural adjustment, engineering construction, management enhancement and technological innovation of industrial parks, and promote the stable operation of pollution prevention facilities. To reduce pollutant emissions. Actively develop resource-saving planting and aquaculture, deepen the utilization of agricultural and forestry waste resources, accelerate the development of clean breeding of livestock and poultry and aquatic products, and form a circular agricultural production mode in which agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery are symbiotic. Actively promote green printing. Vigorously develop low-carbon tourism and eco-tourism, promote the construction of national (provincial) eco-tourism demonstration zones, promote the circular development of retail, wholesale, catering and modern logistics, and promote the greening of service entities and the cleanliness of service processes.

Promote the development of circular economy in key areas. In the fields of industry, agriculture, construction, transportation and commerce, we will comprehensively promote clean production and vigorously develop circular economy and comprehensive utilization of resources. We will build a number of resource comprehensive utilization demonstration bases and enterprises in the fields of mineral resources, industrial waste, and comprehensive utilization of waste resources, and implement a number of key projects. Increase the comprehensive utilization of large-scale industrial “three wastes” such as beneficiation waste residue, smelting waste residue, fly ash, coal gangue and mine water, promote the comprehensive utilization of construction waste, and broaden the field of comprehensive utilization of straw. It is the first to build a resource recycling system, improve the resource output rate, and comprehensively improve the comprehensive utilization of resources and the utilization level of waste resources. In-depth demonstration of circular economy. Continue to carry out the construction of circular economy demonstration units and promote the formation of typical cases. Accelerate the construction of Panzhihua, Deyang and Pangang Group, Chuanwei Group, Gangcheng Group and other national resources comprehensive utilization of "Double Hundred Projects" demonstration bases and key enterprises, Sichuan Southwest Renewable Resources Industrial Park, Sichuan Baohe Fushan Renewable Resources Industrial Park National " City Minerals Demonstration Base, Guang'an Economic and Technological Development Zone, Dazhou Economic Development Zone National Recycling Pilot Park, Chengdu, Mianyang, Nanchong National Catering Waste Recycling and Harmless Treatment Pilot City, Guangyuan, Deyang National Level Domestic garbage classification demonstration city. Accelerate the construction of provincial-level circular economy demonstration parks such as the provincial-level circular economy demonstration cities (counties, districts) and Sichuan Xinjin Industrial Park. Full implementation of circular production methods and green consumption models.

(10) Strengthening resource conservation

Strengthen water conservation and replacement. Strengthen the management of water demand, and use water to set demand and measure water to curb unreasonable water demand. Strengthen the management of water quotas, promote the balance between population and economy and water resources, and comprehensively promote and deepen the construction of water-saving society. Strengthen the support of water-saving technology and equipment, and promote high-efficiency water-saving technologies, equipment and products. Develop water-saving agriculture, strengthen urban water conservation, promote enterprise water-saving technology transformation, eliminate high-water consumption technology, technology and equipment, vigorously develop low-water consumption industries, and create a number of water-saving demonstration enterprises. Strictly control the development of high-water consumption and high-pollution industries in water-scarce areas, water-contaminated areas and ecologically sensitive areas and fragile areas, and strengthen industrial water statistics and supervision. Strengthen the comprehensive protection of drinking water source protection, construction and pollution, accelerate the construction of urban and rural water source projects, encourage the construction of urban emergency backup water sources and second water sources, and ensure the safety of urban water supply. Actively promote the construction of water-saving cities, and carry out rainwater and reclaimed water reuse projects in water-deficient cities such as Chengdu and Zigong to improve the water reuse rate.

Strengthen land intensive conservation and utilization. Strengthen land use planning control, market regulation, standard control and assessment supervision, strictly control land use, and promote the application of land-saving technologies and models. Implement the most stringent system of land conservation, improve the standard system for all types of construction land, actively explore the establishment of incentive mechanisms and restraint mechanisms for land conservation, and establish a full-scale management mechanism for land use for construction projects, a “post-assessment” system for project land use, and an inefficient use of land for exit. Mechanism to comprehensively establish a land use performance evaluation system for industrial parks. We will build a long-term monitoring mechanism for saving intensive land use and carry out pilot reforms for the flexible transfer of industrial land. Actively strive to carry out pilot projects for the development and utilization of low-hill and gentle slope land, vigorously promote urban three-dimensional development and comprehensive renovation of idle land, and expand new space for resource utilization.

Strengthen the comprehensive development and utilization of minerals. To develop green mining, in accordance with the principles of comprehensive exploration, comprehensive mining and comprehensive utilization, strengthen the comprehensive development and utilization of mineral resources, especially low-grade and associated mineral resources, and improve mining recovery rate, ore recovery rate and comprehensive utilization rate. Actively promote the construction of vanadium-titanium magnetite, rare earth ore, non-ferrous and rare metal mines in our province, and green mines and comprehensive utilization demonstration bases in the Chuannan Sulphur Mine. Strengthen the use of mine solid waste, tailings and wastewater. Efforts will be made to promote the in-situ conversion and deep processing of mineral resources, extend the industrial chain, and increase added value.

V. Actively construct an ecological environment security system

(11) Strengthening ecological construction and protection

Build an ecological security landscape. Actively carry out the greening and whole Sichuan operation, speed up the construction of the ecological barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and continue to implement the Sichuan Province Wetland Protection Regulations, Sichuan Biodiversity Conservation Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2020), Sichuan Forest Land Protection and Utilization Plan (2010) - 2020), solidly carry out major projects on biodiversity conservation, and strengthen the construction of key ecological functional areas such as Zoige grassland wetland, Sichuan-Yunnan forest and biodiversity, Qinba biodiversity, size Liangshan soil and water conservation and biodiversity. Promote the ecological protection and soil and water conservation ecological belt construction of the Yangtze River, Jinsha River, Jialing River, Minjiang River-Dadu River, Minjiang River, Yalong River, Minjiang River and Qujiang River. Strengthen the construction of typical ecosystems such as nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks, wetland parks, aquatic germplasm resources conservation areas, and wild plant in situ conservation areas, implement mandatory protection of important ecosystems and species resources, and promote the establishment of giant panda countries. park.

Promote the construction of ecological projects. We will continue to strengthen the protection and construction of forests, wetlands, grasslands and other ecosystems, and further promote key ecological projects such as the second phase of natural forest protection, a new round of returning farmland to forests, and forest management. Strengthen the protection of wetlands, improve the compensation mechanism for wetland ecological benefits, and start the return of farmland to wetlands. We will increase the intensity of desertification control and restoration, and further promote the ecological protection and construction projects in Sichuan and Tibet, the comprehensive management of rocky desertification, and the comprehensive restoration project of ecological restoration in arid and semi-arid areas. Improve the management system of state-owned forest farms and state-owned forest areas, and deepen the reform of collective forest rights system. Accelerate the delineation and protection of basic grasslands, strictly implement the system of prohibiting grazing, grazing, grazing and grassland, promoting the dynamic balance of grass and livestock, strengthening the control of prairie pests, and effectively curbing grassland degradation. According to local conditions, we will promote the comprehensive management of small watersheds, important wetlands and rivers and lakes, accelerate the construction of key ecological projects such as ecological restoration in Wenchuan and Lushan earthquake-stricken areas, and enhance the functions of ecosystems.

Strengthen ecological environment protection. Strict water resources protection, implementation of groundwater protection and monitoring, and basically achieve the balance of groundwater recovery. Strengthen the ecological protection of farmland, comprehensively implement the protection and improvement actions of cultivated land quality, and increase the intensity of degradation, acidification, pollution, and damage to farmland improvement and restoration. We will implement zero-growth actions for the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and carry out resource recycling of crop straw, livestock and poultry manure and agricultural residual film to prevent agricultural non-point source pollution. Strengthen the survey of farmland quality, grassland ecology and alien species, and establish a monitoring, evaluation and early warning system. Strictly implement the system of prohibiting fishing in natural waters, strengthen remedial measures for fishery resources in underwater engineering operations, and protect and improve the ecological environment of fishery waters. Improve the biosafety inspection mechanism, increase the protection of genes, species, typical ecosystems and landscape diversity, and effectively prevent the loss of species resources and the invasion of alien species. Accelerate the construction of disaster prevention and mitigation systems such as disaster investigation and evaluation, monitoring and early warning, prevention and control, and emergency, and explore the establishment of an important river and lake ecological water security mechanism.

(12) Comprehensively promote pollution prevention

Strengthen the prevention and control of air pollution. In-depth implementation of the air pollution prevention and control action plan, with the core of continuously improving the quality of the atmospheric environment, strengthen the prevention and control of pollution sources in key areas, key areas, key industries and key enterprises. Implement regional joint prevention and control, focusing on “reduce emission, dust suppression, coal reduction, vehicle management, and control of straw”, conscientiously grasp the pollution control of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and inhalable particulate matter (PM10), and gradually eliminate heavy pollution. Weather, the quality of the province's atmospheric environment has improved.

Continue to promote water pollution control. We will conscientiously implement the water pollution prevention and control action plan and strengthen water pollution control in key river basins and ecologically sensitive areas such as the Minjiang River, Minjiang River, Qujiang River, Minjiang River and Jialing River. Strengthen the ecological environment protection of good lakes and strict sewage management. Strengthen the treatment of black and odorous water bodies in urban built-up areas, implement rainwater and sewage diversion, strengthen the construction of sewage supporting pipe network and garbage collection and transfer facilities, and improve the collection rate of sewage and garbage. All county towns and key towns have the capacity to treat sewage and garbage, and improve the construction, operation and management level of treatment facilities. Accelerate the construction of sewage and garbage treatment facilities in Tibetan and Qiang districts, and orderly build urban domestic garbage environmentally friendly power generation facilities.

Increase the prevention and control of soil pollution. We will conscientiously implement the action plan for soil pollution prevention and control, improve the soil environmental monitoring system, organize pilot demonstrations of soil pollution remediation in typical areas, and promote various types of soil pollution control and restoration in a planned and step-by-step manner. Strengthen the prevention and control of large-scale livestock and poultry farming and rural non-point source pollution. We will promote the management of heavy metal pollution in key industrial enterprises and industrial parks, promote the compulsory clean production audit of key industries, and carry out the construction of clean production audit system in industrial parks. Explore the fine management of solid waste and hazardous waste, and properly dispose of solid waste such as slag. Strict radiation safety licensing system to strengthen the supervision of nuclear facilities operation.

(13) Actively respond to climate change

Mitigating the impact of climate change. Adjust and optimize the industry and energy structure, accelerate the development of strategic emerging industries and emerging pilot service industries, and vigorously develop non-fossil energy. Strengthen carbon reduction in key areas such as industry, transportation, and construction, comprehensively control greenhouse gas emissions from non-energy activities such as industrial and agricultural production and waste disposal, increase carbon sinks in forests, grasslands, and wetlands, and effectively reduce carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrofluorocarbons. The impact of greenhouse gas emissions such as perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride on climate change will boost the province's total carbon emissions as early as possible. Actively carry out pilot demonstrations of low-carbon cities, small towns, communities, parks and enterprises.

Improve climate change adaptability. Strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure, adopt adaptive measures such as adjusting cropping systems, breeding resistant varieties, and developing biotechnology to promote the capacity building of agriculture and animal husbandry. Strengthen forest and water ecological environment protection, implement demonstration projects of vegetation restoration in the dry river valley of Dajiang River and the dry heat valley of Jinsha River, and promote natural ecological restoration. Implementation of the Sichuan Biodiversity Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. Strengthen the construction of flood control and drought-resistant engineering systems, reduce the vulnerability of water resources systems to climate change, and continuously improve the prediction, early warning and adaptability of meteorological disasters.

Promote the establishment of a carbon emission trading market. Explore the establishment of a carbon emission trading mechanism and policy and regulation system, greenhouse gas emissions accounting report and verification mechanism, carbon emission control and quota management mechanism, carbon emission trading operation mechanism, etc., and build a carbon emission trading platform in Sichuan. Accelerate the construction of a carbon emission rights market trading system and promote the construction of a western carbon emission trading center.

6. Strive to improve the system of ecological civilization

(14) Improve local regulations, rules and standards

Comprehensively clean up the existing local regulations and government regulations that are incompatible with the acceleration of ecological civilization construction. According to relevant national laws and regulations, combined with the actual situation of our province, study and formulate local regulations and government regulations on energy conservation assessment, water conservation, climate change, ecological compensation, wetland protection, biodiversity conservation, soil environmental protection, etc.后的环境保护法、土地管理法、大气污染防治法、水污染防治法、节约能源法、循环经济促进法、矿产资源法、森林法、草原法、野生动物保护法、渔业法等, 修订我省相关地方性法规和政府规章。加快完善标准体系,在能耗、水耗、地耗、污染物排放、环境质量等方面,没有国家标准、行业标准的,加快组织制定地方标准;已有国家标准、行业标准的,结合实际需要依法制定实施更加严格的地方标准。实施能效和排污强度“领跑者”制度,加强对现行地方标准的复审工作,加快地方标准升级步伐。根据法律法规,适度提高建筑物、道路、桥梁等建设标准。探索在环境容量较小、生态环境脆弱、环境风险高的地区执行污染物特别排放限值。


加快建立自然资源资产产权制度,加快推进不动产统一登记,明确国土空间的自然资源资产所有者、 监管者及其责任。坚持并完善最严格的耕地保护制度,加强土地用途转用许可管理。加强建设用地空间管制,严格按照规划确定的允许建设区、有条件建设区、限制建设区进行建设与保护,在禁止建设区严禁各类建设开发。实施差别化土地供应管理,严格执行限制和禁止用地目录,禁止向不符合国家产业政策和节能环保要求的产能严重过剩行业高耗能高污染项目供地。严格节能评估审查、水资源论证和取水许可制度。完善矿产资源规划制度,强化矿产开发准入管理,科学合理设置矿业权。






建立体现生态文明要求的考核评价机制,将生态文明建设纳入各级政府经济社会发展绩效目标考评指标体系,增加考核权重,强化指标约束。实行差别化的政绩考核制度,对限制开发区域、禁止开发区域和生态脆弱的国家扶贫开发工作重点县,取消地区生产总值考核;对农产品主产区和重点生态功能区,分别实行农业优先和生态保护优先的绩效评价;对禁止开发的重点生态功能区,重点评价其自然文化资源的原真性、完整性。探索编制自然资源资产负债表,对领导干部实行自然资源资产和环境责任离任审计。切实落实生态安全责任制,认真执行《中华人民共和国环境保护法》等法律法规,对破坏生态环境、背离绿色发展理念的行为依法依规坚决查处。建立领导干部任期生态文明建设责任制,落实《党政领导干部生态环境损害责任追究办法(试行)》,完善节能减排目标责任考核及问责制度。建立生态环境和资源损害问题线索移送制度,对党员干部生态文明建设中的违规违纪问题线索,要及时移送纪检监察机关或组织人事部门,依纪依法实施责任追究。对违背科学发展要求、造成资源环境生态严重破坏的要记录在案,实行终身追责,不得转任重要职务或提拔使用, 已经调离的也要问责。对推动生态文明建设工作不力的,要及时诫勉谈话;对不顾资源和生态环境盲目决策、造成严重后果的,要严肃追究有关人员的领导责任;对履职不力、监管不严、失职渎职的,要依纪依法追究有关人员的监管责任。





倡导勤俭节约的消费观,广泛开展节俭养德全民节约等绿色生活行动,推动全民在衣、食、住、行、 游等方面加快向勤俭节约、绿色低碳、文明健康的方式转变,坚决抵制和反对各种形式的奢侈浪费、不合理消费。积极引导消费者购买节能与新能源汽车、高能效家电、节水型器具等节能环保低碳产品,减少使用一次性用品,限制过度包装。大力推广绿色低碳出行,倡导绿色生活和休闲模式,严格限制发展高耗能、高耗水服务业。在餐饮企业、单位食堂、家庭全方位开展反食品浪费行动。党政机关、国有企业带头厉行节约反对浪费。


深入挖掘巴蜀文化中的生态元素,夯实生态文化有形载体,进一步丰富生态文化内涵,精心打造天府之国、巴山蜀水、茶马古道、大熊猫等具有鲜明地域特色的生态文化品牌。将生态文化作为现代公共文化服务体系建设的重要内容,打造生态文化地标和景观廊道, 加快生态文化基础设施建设,通过打造“巴蜀画风”和扶持地方戏剧工作,创作一批文化艺术作品,创建一批教育基地,满足广大人民群众对生态文化的需求。大力推进文化、生态融合发展,积极培育生态道德,构建生态文化体系,使生态文明成为社会主流价值观,成为社会主义核心价值观的重要内容,形成人人、事事、时时崇尚生态文明的良好社会氛围。


完善公众参与制度,及时准确披露各类环境信息,扩大公开范围,保障公众知情权,维护公众环境权益。健全举报、听证、舆论和公众监督等制度,构建全民参与的社会行动体系。建立环境公益诉讼制度,对污染环境、破坏生态的行为,有关组织可提起公益诉讼。 在建设项目立项、实施、后评价等环节,有序增强公众参与程度。引导生态文明建设领域各类社会组织健康有序发展,发挥社会组织和志愿者的积极作用。














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