Vegetable phytotoxicity prevention technical measures

When vegetable production enters the peak season, especially in spring and summer, with the gradual increase of temperature, vegetable farmers everywhere often reflect that in the process of spraying pesticides, vegetables are prone to phytotoxicity. The reasons for the analysis are: first, the climatic environment changes induce phytotoxicity; second, misuse of the pesticides that are not symptomatic; third, the improper operation technology, the dosage is too high; fourth, there is no precautionary measures to control the spread of phytotoxicity.
Throughout the symptoms of vegetable phytotoxicity, there are often the following manifestations. Some monocotyledonous vegetables have been stagnation after the misuse of herbicides such as grasses and grasses, and there are dead spots in the meristems of buds and nodes around 5 days. The heart leaves and other leaves gradually turn purple or yellow, and die in about 10 days. Some edamame is treated with acetochlor before sowing. After the seedlings are cold and rainy, the leaves are shrunk, the surface is rough, the midrib is shortened, and the single leaves are heart-shaped or The cup is shaped, the plants are dwarfed, and the leaves are pale. Some edamame application of sulfonylurea herbicides in the three-leaf stage, such as thiasulfuron and other weeding, easy to make the heart leaves yellow, leaf shrinkage, leaf veins, stem transport tissue brown, stems easily broken, severe growth Point necrosis, although branching may occur in the later stage, but the glutinous green is late, reducing production and reducing income; some use glyphosate improperly applied, the fog drifts to the vegetables, making the whole plant chlorotic, necrotic, and dry; some sweet corn is affected by The new leaves first stalked, and then the whole leaves dried up; some eggplant and tomato plants were inhibited from growing, and the leaves were cup-shaped, mainly by urethane herbicides such as chlorpyrifos. harm.
In order to prevent and alleviate the phytotoxicity of herbicides on vegetables, the following technical measures should be taken:
Adjust medication according to ecological environment. It is not advisable to apply herbicides when the temperature is below 15 ° C or above 35 ° C. When high temperature, drought, strong light, avoid using herbicides, when the temperature is 15 ~ 30 ° C, the soil is suitable, the application of herbicides after 4 o'clock in the morning before 10 o'clock in the morning is better. The application of herbicides in soils with low organic matter content and high salt content is less effective. Soils with high organic matter content and low salt content have strong adsorption capacity for herbicides, and are generally less susceptible to phytotoxicity.
Select the right medicine and use it at the right time. At present, there are many varieties of herbicides. First, they should choose medicines for the types of weeds that are easily associated with local vegetable crops. Second, they should be diluted with water according to the herbicide dosage form and active ingredient content. Third, they can be scientifically compounded, but not Randomly misuse and use; Fourth, it is necessary to master the time of application, such as before planting, before emergence, after emergence, to strictly distinguish between drugs.
Discover phytotoxicity and promptly remedy. When herbicide phytotoxicity occurs on vegetable crops, according to local experience, it can be sprayed with Huifulfeng active liquid fertilizer to relieve or relieve phytotoxicity. For example, pepper can be sprayed with 1:800-1000 times dilution, other vegetables can be sprayed 1: 500 times liquid; can be sprayed 1:500 times Nongbaozan ecological liquid fertilizer; can spray 0.05% of 920 solution; can spray labor. K plant life peptide 1:800~1000 times liquid, both detoxification and repair Damaged cells; can be added urea, clear water and other quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer to raise seedlings.
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